How to place McDonald Matrix Band on difficult preparations?

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Learn how to stabilise the band while placing, which makes it easier to tighten the matrix band and to achieve the correct vertical height.

Step 1:

Place the distal side of the matrix band into the gingival crevice first and secure it with a wooden wedge.

Step 2:

Since the matrix band is now trapped in place by the wedge, you can now manipulate the mesial side of the matrix band into place and use another wooden wedge to secure that side. Ensure that the bevel on the top edge of the band is slightly above the marginal ridge of the neighbouring tooth.

Step 3:

The matrix band is now held in place by itself. You are now able to use both hands to tighten the matrix band. There are a few ways to do this.

  1. Using a finger to press the orange toggle against the tooth while tightening.
  2. Alternatively, hold the orange toggle in place with tweezers or forceps while tightening.

Ensure that the matrix band is tight.

  If you are still struggling after trying this method, you may wish to try building the tooth up so there is more substance for the band to grip on to.

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